Tolerance Identification API

The Tolerance Identification API finds the top N closest (by Blosum62) N-mers in the human genome against a given protein of sequence.


Get the top 10 closest 9-mers:

lev engine submit tolerance-identification NLYIQWLKDGGPSSGRPPPS --top-n 10

Get the top 5 closet 9 and 15-mers:

lev engine submit tolerance-identification NLYIQWLKDGGPSSGRPPPS --top-n 5 --nmer-sizes 9,15


  • --sequence (str)
    • Input protein of sequence to compare against


  • --top-n (int)
    • Collect the top N matches
    • default = 20
  • --nmer-sizes
    • Nmer size(s) to run this on (Comma separated string ex: 9,10,11,12)
    • default = 9


  • out.csv
    • CSV file containing the following columns
      • nmer_size - size of this nmer
      • resnum - residue number (1 indexed) of the nmer position in the query sequence
      • query_seq - query sequence
      • matchrank - Rank (0=best, N = worst ) out of the top-N closest (by blosum62) nmers to the query
      • matchscore - blosum62 score of the result to the query sequence
      • matchseq - the found human genome sequence
      • matchscore/max_score - matchscore divided by the score of a 100% (normalized Blosum62)
  • out.json
    • JSON format of the out.csv


Running this protocol takes between 4 and 5 GB of memory per CPU

Input proteome

The input proteome file was taken from
