
1.) Create a New Selector

2.) Edit an Existing Selector

3.) Apply a Selector

4.) Delete a Selector

5.) Rename a Selector

How to Create a New Selector:

1.) Load a structure into CAD

2.) Click the residue(s) that you wish to select

  • NOTE: Command is equivalent to Control on Windows
  • Command (⌘) + Click selects individual residues, and can be used to begin discontiguous regions.
  • Shift + Click selects all residues between the last selection and the residue clicked. If there are no selected residues, shift + click will not do anything

3.) Open the Selectors panel.

4.) If you wish to rename the selector, click “Selector 1”, and then type in the new name.

5.) Click “save” next to “Selector 1”, or the new name of the selector.

6.) You now have a new selector.

How to Edit an Existing Selector

1.) Click on the “pop-out” icon to the right of your Selector’s name.

2.) In the tab that appears, you can change the Min and Max of the table you see, and click positions you would like to select. The same selection logic as above applies for selecting regions and discontiguous regions.

3.) Click ‘Save’ to save your edited Selector.

How to Apply a Selector

1.) Click anywhere on your selector that is not one of the buttons to the right to apply it to the loaded pose(s) in the viewer.

2.) When running an action or metric, choose the region you’d like the action or metric run on by picking your selector from the dropdown in each respective tab.

How to Delete a Selector

1.) Enter the project that contains the selector that you wish to delete.

2.) Open the “Selectors” panel.

3.) Click on the “trash” icon next to the name of the selector that you wish to delete.

  • Your selector is now deleted.

How to Rename a Selector

1.) Enter the project that contains the selector that you wish to rename.

2.) Open the “Selectors” panel.

3.) Click on the “pencil” button next to the name of the selector that you wish to rename.

4.) Rename your selector how you see fit.

  • Your selector is now renamed.
