Bench includes many powerful tools for designing proteins, predicting structures, and reducing immunogenicity. We’ve created this Introduction to showcase the most important features in Bench and how to use them.
To help you become familiar with these tools and features you may find it helpful to begin by following our tutorial series, and then explore additional workflows for specific projects.
Tutorial Series for Beginners:
These four tutorials will introduce you to many of the Structure Viewer features in Bench as well as how to run common actions such as Relax and Design. The tutorials and the content introduced in each is outlined below:
- Tutorial 1:
- Structure Loader, Prepare, Structure Viewer, Compare, Superpose
- Tutorial 2:
- Relax, Scatter Plot, Minimize
- Tutorial 3:
- Design, Selector, Loop Rebuild
- Tutorial 4:
- Relax, Minimize, Design, Sequence Logo, Compare
Homology Modeling Tutorials:
Another powerful tool available in Bench is Homology Modeling (HM). For an introduction on how to run HM, from deciding whether your sequence will be a good fit to understanding your results, please follow the tutorial below:
Homology Modeling Tutorial
There are additional in-depth tutorials describing how HM results can be used and analyzed:
- How to Analyze HM Output: Structure Quality Guide
- Using HM and CAD Together for Backbone Structure Redesign
- Modeling a Homodimer Using a Monomer Created with HM
Specific Project Tutorials:
As you become more familiar with Bench you may be interested in using tutorials tailored to more specific projects. Several common workflows are listed below:
Introductory Workflows:
Advanced Use of Design:
- Create Point Mutations Quickly
- Using DDG for Protein-Protein Interface
- Using HM with Design for Backbone Structure Re-design
Explore the additional workflows available on the site by clicking here, delving into the the Workflows tab to the left, or using the Search bar at the top of the page.
For Expert Users:
Once you become familiar with the tools in CAD you may find it helpful to download the PDF below that lists out the steps for using tools in Bench.