Tutorial 1: Create Project, Load Structure, Prepare, Viewer, Compare Structures

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Estimated time: 30 minutes

This tutorial will teach you how to begin working with a structure in Cyrus Bench, including the different ways structures can be displayed and how structures can be compared to each other. The Prepare tool, Structure Viewer, display modes, inverse selector, Compare tool, Scores, and the Superpose function will be introduced.

1.) Open or create Project

From https://cad.levitate.bio, click on The projects button if you are running this tutorial in a new project. Then enter a name and click Create Project. Or click on an existing project.

2.) Load structures

If Structure Loader is not already open in the center window, click The structure loader button. A tab in the center window should appear that is titled The structure loader button. Under Inputs, enter this PDB ID PDB ID 1P68 and click Plus Button. The structure will appear in the list in the middle, lower window:

The structure loading UI showing structure 1P68 loading

The spinning Spinner icon indicates that it is loading and will become a Check Icon when it is done. After structures have loaded, they will be listed in the left window like this:

The UI for the Loaded 1P68 structure showing the three buttons 'Change Name', 'Archive', and 'Delete'

Repeat the process to load PDB ID 2JUA which will be used at the end of this tutorial. 2JUA is a 77% homolog to 1P68 and will be used to show the structural similarities.

3.) Prepare Structures

Many structures will require further processing before you can have confidence that they are optimal. One of the simplest ways to improve a structure is to run Prepare. For more info on Prepare, click here .

First, Prepare will be run on 1P68. Click on the 1P68 folder in the left window in order to bring it into the center tab…

the UI tab for 1P68, showing the single loaded structure record with its scores and an empty checkbox on the left

Click the checkbox button to the left of the structure name in order to select it. Then in the right window, click the prepare button. This will open a Prepare tab in the center window:

The Prepare UI tab showing a Run button and the collection ID 1P68

Click the run button. Repeat this procedure for 2JUA. The job will appear in the right window in the Task section:

The tasks UI showing 'prepare 2' updated a few seconds ago and prepare 1 updated a minute ago. There are 'archive' and 'delete' buttons to the right of each task

The Check Icon will appear once the job is finished. The finished jobs will appear in the left window. It may take a few minutes for this to run. Click the rename button to the right of the prepare results files and rename them like below:

two screenshots of the Collections UI with 4 rows. On the left, the top two rows are labelled 'prepare 2 results' and 'prepare 1 results'. On the right these rows have been renamed to 'prepared 2JUA" and 'prepared 1P68'

4.) View Structures

In the left window, click The prepared 1P68 collection in order to bring it into the center tab:

the UI tab fort the prepared 1P68 collection, showing the single loaded structure record with its scores and an empty checkbox on the left

To the left of the word structure one, click the eye button in order to bring the structure into the Structure Viewer in the lower center window:

a cartoon model of 1p68, which is a 4 helical bundle. Above the cartoon model are a set of control icons

Above the structure is a bar with several buttons that we will discuss. You can increase the size of the Viewer by dragging the horizontal divider handle above that bar upwards.

The viewer icon bar, which will be discussed in detail in the rest of the document

You can also go into Full Screen mode by clicking Full Screen button. Exit by hitting Esc. If the protein is not centered in the Viewer, click target button. Click and drag inside the Structure Viewer in order to change the protein’s orientation. Click sequence button in order to bring the sequence into view.

The sequence view UI, with the structure viewer buttons at the top, and the protein sequence directly below. The sequence is labelled 'sequence 1', and has a scale bar with amino acid indices every 5 residues

Change Structure Display Mode and Color

Click The name of the sequence 'structure 1' in order to highlight the entire protein. You can also do this by double-clicking anywhere on the structure. Click pallete button to bring a drop down window that allows you to color by CPK, Secondary Structure, Polarity, or chose a color. Select Polarity (below left) and Secondary Structure (below right), one at a time, to see how it changes the structure. Click on empty space to deselect everything.

Two cartoon views of the same protein, the protein on the left is colored by polarity, and the one on the right is colored by secondary structure

Next, scroll to the right half of the sequence and select residues 74-78 using the dark scroll bar under the sequence (below left). Click target button in order to center the loop. To present residues 74-78 as sticks once they have been selected click stick button. Click to remove the sequence from the Viewer (below right).

two views of the same protein, one is zoomed out with a small loop region selected. The  other is zoomed in on the loop with sticks displayed

The sequence can be hidden from view by clicking sequence button as shown above. Select residues 74-78 from the structure again and click pallete button. To see atomic coloring select CPK from the drop down menu(below left). To display the atoms as colored spheres click spheres button and then click pallete button to select a color as shown below on the right.

Resetting Structure Viewer

To reset the Structure Viewer close out the prepared 1P68 tab tab to close the window. Select the structure again from the list in the left window and click eye button in order to bring the structure into the Structure Viewer in the lower center window.

Using the Inverse Selector to Display Structure

Highlight residues 51-102 and click cartoon button in order to hide the cartoon mode for this region. Click stick button to present the residues as sticks instead. Click reverse selection button, which will reverse your selection to the remaining residues 1-50. Click cartoon button in order to hide the cartoon mode for this region and click spheres button to show spheres. Half of the structure should now be displayed as sticks and the other half should be displayed as spheres as shown below on the left.

two views of the same protein,  at left the protein is displayed as half sticks half spheres, at right the entire protein is displayed as spheres with hydrophobics colored

Display Structure through Filter

Select the entire structure and click spheres button in order to change everything to spheres. Click filter button. This opens a drop down window that allows you to display only side-chains, backbone, cysteines, hydrophobic, polar, or positively or negatively charged residues. Select hydrophobic residues. Click pallete button and select a color; hydrophobic residues are shown in green in the figure above on the right.

5.) Compare Structures

To compare the original PDB structure for 1P68 to the structure generated after running Prepare, select 1P68 on the left and click compare button. In the drop down window, select prepared 1P68.

the viewer interface showing 1P68 compared to the prepared 1P68 structure. the scores for both structures are displayed and the two structures are aligned in cartoon view in the viewer

Comparing Energy Scores between Two Structures

The comparison above shows that after the Prepare function was run, the Score for the energy of the 1P68 structure was lowered from a score of 1092.26 to 305.13 Rosetta Energy Units (REUs). The individual components for the REU Score are listed to the right. In this example, the decrease in the Lennard-Jones and Side-Chain component scores were the major contributors to the lower REU score. This indicates that the atomic proximity and side-chain rotamers moved into more favorable positions.

Using the Structure Viewer to Compare Structures

To visually compare two structures using the Structure Viewer click the eye button to the left of the structure ID to ensure that both structures are visible. Click sequence button to show the sequences and ensure that the structures are displayed in two different colors such as green and purple as shown above.

To compare structures originating from different PDBs they must first be aligned. Here the prepared structure of 1P68 will be compared to the prepared structure of 2JUA. Reset the Structure Viewer for prepared 1P68 by clicking X on the prepared 1P68 tab tab. Select prepared 1P68 from the left window and click compare button, then select prepared 2JUA. Be sure that both structures are visible by clicking the eye button and make sure they are not the same color. In order to align them select both structures by double clicking one structure and then holding down the command (Mac) or Control (PC) key and double clicking on the other structure. Click Superpose dropdown menu to open a drop down, then click Text button labelled 'Selected Backbone Atoms.

Two protein views of compared proteins, on the left the structures are not aligned, and on the right they are aligned

The differences between these two structures can be highlighted by clicking differences button. Click stick button to show the differences as side chains as shown below.

The two structures overlayed, with both sequences displayed, and the differing residues highlighted in sequence view and displayed as sticks in the viewer
